24 25 eTwinning project ORİGAMİ
Da ottobre a maggio la 2C del linguistico sarà alle prese con la creazione di origami collegati ad un tema mensile come spunto STEAM del progetto eTwinning al quale collabora con istituti italiani, croati, polacchi e albanesi tutti guidati dal fondatore turco.
Dopo aver concorso alla creazione del logo e aver preparato la presentazione della scuola, venerdì 24 gennaio gli studenti si sono incontrati online durante l'ultima ora di lezione per conoscersi e confrontarsi sul progetto. Ecco le loro impressioni.
Alessandro and Mariachiara |
Interesting to meet new people, noticing different skills levels. |
Agata and Rebecca |
We really enjoyed meeting new people and having a chat with them. The meeting was very interesting and we’re also really curious about the project itself since it’s our first one. |
Asia and Gamar |
It felt good and refreshing meeting new students from other countries, having the opportunity to work with people in different grades and places is such a great experience for which we are very grateful for. |
Alice and Giorgio |
We’re grateful for having the opportunity to join this useful experience. Also, we’d love to learn things about other cultures, for example in the project there are many students from Turkey, Albania… |
Israa and Elois |
We enjoyed the meeting and we loved to meet new people from other countries and grades. |
We loved spending time with new people from other countries and we’re grateful for taking part of this project. |
Lorenzo and Victoria |
Excited to meet other members of the project, we both found kids from other countries very good at speaking in english. Even though listening wasn’t very easy because of the connection you could easily notice that they were very good for their age. |
Isabella e Anna |
It was very exciting to join this meeting, we met other members of the project and we are very happy to have met the people who we are working with. |
Anna e Chiara |
It was amazing to meet other people from different country and have the opportunity to talk to them. |